El Paso Chamber Committees

Committees Open to Members
Education & Workforce Committee
Chair: Cecy De La O
Contact: Vianey Villegas
The Education and Workforce (EDWF) committee focuses on advocacy of education and workforce issues that impact members and the borderplex region, as well as creating opportunities to receive education and community updates through new training protocols and workforce development issues.
Finance Committee
Chair: Lydia Cisneros
Contact: Brenda Ramirez
The committee’s primary responsibility is to provide financial oversight for the El Paso Chamber. The committee’s portfolio includes the oversight of budgeting, financial planning, and financial reporting to EPC’s board and executive leadership.
Government Relations Committee
Chair: Daniel Perez
Contact: Manny Rodriguez
The government relations committee focuses on policy issue advocacy on behalf of members and the El Paso community. Advocacy efforts are guided by committee member participation, research, and policy paper production. The committee also serves in an advisory capacity for other Chamber committees. Provides reports on Infrastructure, Healthcare, Cross Border, Education, and Workforce, Shared Value, Aerospace & Defense, MVAC, BOD, and EMCO.
Military Affairs Committee
Chair: Jonathan Bohannon
Contact: Claudia Rosales
The Military Affairs Committee focuses on serving the business and regional communities on military matters, support the region’s military complex, synchronize regional military-related efforts, and foster effective community partnerships to improve the quality of life, schools, and job opportunities for Armed Forces members, their families, and Veterans in order to achieve regional economic prosperity and growth.
Healthcare Committee
Chair: Ginger Raya
Contact: Mia Romero
The healthcare coalition explores local issues that inform the Chamber’s advocacy on healthcare. The coalition creates a space for healthcare leaders and the business community to productively address the concerns that affect both, and welcomes all Chamber members, regardless of industry affiliation.
Events Committee
Chair: Liz Reveles
Contact: Claudia Rosales
The Events Committee is dedicated to planning, organizing, and executing various events alongside El Paso Chamber staff. Its focus is on creating engaging and valuable experiences for Chamber members, fostering connections, and providing platforms for professional development and community engagement.
Application Based
Chairs: Juan Martinez and Matt McMenamin
Contact: Paola Torres
A highly motivated and enthusiastic group of special volunteers that perform several key functions for the El Paso Chamber. The Ambassador members serve as the welcome wagon, cheerleaders, mentors, counselors and guides. They assist the Chamber in assuring that members of the chamber are well informed and are receiving the full measure of service, support and resources available to them.
El Paso Mobility Coalition (EMCo)
Chair: Ted Houghton
Contact: Manny Rodriguez
The Mobility Coalition is focused on advocating for transportation initiatives and funding for the El Paso region.
Small Business Advisory Council
Chair: Jorge Ojeda
Contact: Claudia Rosales
The Small Business Advisory Council (SBAC) focuses on increasing access to coaching and capital for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). In addition, SBAC serves as an intra-committee liaison and is responsible for ensuring other Chamber committees are up to date on changes to relevant legislation and policy.
Board of Directors
Chair: Elizabeth O'Hara
Contact: Regina Lujan
In accordance with the EPC bylaws, the Board of Directors is the principal fiduciary body for the Chamber. The executive board ensures that the Chamber has a series of objectives for the year that accomplish its mission and monitors progress on those objectives throughout the year.
Community Advisory Board
Chair: Ruben Vogt
Contact: Regina Lujan
The Community Advisory Board provides input to the Executive Board of Directors in developing Chamber strategy, networking with other community leaders, making new connections to drive the Chamber’s engagement in the community, and plays an essential role in supporting local businesses and creating a thriving economy for our city through active engagement at community and Chamber-led events.
Foundation Board
Chair: Arlene Carroll
Contact: Romie Ruiz
The Foundation Board serves as an oversight board for the El Paso Chamber’s Foundation. The Foundation is a wholly owned subsidiary of EPC and exists only to support EPC. It is also deployed to serve as a financial agent for the DCL Infrastructure.